Thursday, November 20, 2014

Party's Over for Evolution

The Jesus and Mo panel below is from last year. I came across it again recently and it made me smile. It obliquely refers to a particularly inane film by the equally inane Ray Comfort, who, upon releasing his cringe-worthy affront to reason, apparently really said "kaboom", "party's over," and more. Film aside, the bearded boys accurately parody how fundamentalist christians often think. For them it is all about faith, obedience, and holding the line against secularists and their scary science. Evidence has nothing to do with it.

(Original is at

And to think, religionists still say with a straight face that there are no transitional fossils. They might try reading just one scientific text on the subject, such as Donald R. Prothero's Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters; a detailed but accessible account of the many transitional fossils found so far, and evolution in general.

But they won't.